Photo by @theeyeofewing
Gaze Adjustment: Manifestation for O.D.D.B.A.L.L.S.
You're already great -- let's get YOU to believe it!
I'm an O.D.D.B.A.L.L. on a mission to show my fellow oddy's the beauty of NOT fitting "a mold"! Your superpower is that you are Y.O.U.U.! In this 2.5 hour intensive, we will take actionable steps to rekindle and cultivate your love affair with Y.O.U.U., remind you of the safety in nesting in your own genius and to access the multiverse from within to regroup and excel! My hybrid approach blends the worlds of magick and medicine in a method allowing you to be in flow with your higher self and the Most High. By grounding in your multiverse, you allow others to see Y.O.U., and plough the field for the cultivation of a beautiful world and authentic collaborations with those around you. So what are Y.O.U.U. waiting for?! Let's get started rediscovering the kick-ass person YOU are!
As always, #keepyourgazesforward, and see you where our multiverse intersect!